Friday, March 13, 2020


Fred, 26 years old

It was 9pm, I was walking down the street in the middle of the shopping centre with a group of my friends from class. 

Now something you need to know is there a lot of homeless people in Perth and most are using under some influence and any money given is put towards more influences.

So we’re going to get Gelato (please stretch that out and annunciate each letter) 
We walked past the man and woman pushing a stroller with their 10 month old daughter and all of their belongings. The man -Fred  asked us for money, no one had cash on them so, we said no and moved on. BUT that wasn’t the only reason, we all had judged Fred immediately assuming it was not for the formula he had stated it was we assumed he was just like everyone else wanting alcohol.

I said no and kept walking, unaffected, I didn’t have my wallet with me,I wasn’t intending on buying “Gelato”. I mean I thought we all kept walking but Ben wasn’t beside me anymore he had stopped and asked if he could take them to buy them whatever they needed. Still I had judgment in my heart and I thought something bad will happen to Ben I better go with him so we followed Fred. 

He took us a 5 minute walk away and we walked into a subway, Fred asked Ben what he was allowed to get, Ben told him he would buy anything he needed, Fred ordered food but we had to tell him to get water for the baby and not just energy drinks. Again I judged him for not being more wise and thinking like I would. 

We talked to Fred and his family and learnt that he has been let go from many jobs because of his lack of being able to provide and address and valid paper work and different reasons that I can’t remember. 
But I do remember the immediate break in my heart when I found out that they have been on the streets for the last 8 months and never know where their next meal was coming from and how they were going to feed this beautiful child of theirs.

Fred wakes up every day wishing he hadn’t, his story isn’t an easy one to hear and it broke my heart that I had judged him so quickly, someone that God loves so deeply, someone that I look at and I see Gods image bearer, I wasn’t willing to help him and I didn’t know his story, I didn’t know he hadn’t eaten in 4 days and is just trying to provide for his family. After Ben had paid for their food we prayed for Fred and got to speak life into him and give him worth and encourage him to make him feel like he was worth something. 

I didn’t put myself in Fred’s place, I put myself above him, I think now what if that were me? Trying to provide for my family and everyone was against me and I didn’t feel love from people who are supposed to be a beacon of love and hope? Fred is so worth the love of Christ, just as everyone is. We are not better than anyone no one is more loved by God than others. 

So many people over look the homeless, sick and the lost. No one cares and it doesn’t feel like anyone is doing anything about it and my heart now breaks for these people. 

Jesus chose to spend time with the homeless and sick and prostitutes. I’m not suggesting that you need to spend all your time with these people or that you need to make them your best friends, I’m saying not to overlook someone that others would and to love first. 

Don’t be like me in this story, be like Ben, be someone willing to help no matter what. Be someone who is willing to love. 

Unfortunately I don’t remember Fred’s wife’s name and I didn’t catch the daughters name, I wish I had made that more of an intention.
Please keep Fred and his family in your prayers that God would show up and more people would speak life into this family. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this story Quinn. Things are not always as they seem. The good news is you kept Ben company and learned an awesome lesson about judgement and showing God's love. The best reminder for me is to, as you stated...God loves us all the same no matter where we are in our journey.

  2. What a tough situation Fred and his family are in. This is a topic your Mom and I wrestle with quite often. How the best way to help is. Proud of you for all your seeing and doing. Way to be open for what the Lord has to show you and willing to learn.

  3. Thanks for sharing this story Quinn. We're praying for you and will be praying for Fred and his family too. Hope you are doing well. Hugs from all of us here.



Fred, 26 years old It was 9pm, I was walking down the street in the middle of the shopping centre with a group of my friends from clas...